Improved all textures of the Normandy's outside.An optional file has been uploaded that restores the lights Removed lights on Quarian armour (including Tali) to be more in line with vanilla.This includes objects like conduits on the Normandy, the pilot seat and many miscellaneous items Improved ~50 normal maps for better detail and less artefacting due to compression of the textures.I've only scratched the surface of what's possible, more is coming. New AI models have enabled large improvements over many textures.Updated JimbobJeffers's Ultimate Miranda with v1.2.Major improvement of facial hair (eyebrows, eyelashes, beards) by JimbobJeffers.New textures for statues in Hock's vault.New textures for the Shadow Broker's goons.ClearanceClarence's textures: added Garrus outfit, Reckoner armor, Geth and Reaper units.Powered by AI, but manually tweaked to remove any seams and get the best possible quality New textures for ALL faces, scalp and hair textures.Fixed missing tongue in default femshep texture caused by corrupted PNG (thanks Jenya!).Redid normal and spec for DeadMeat's Defender armor, so it looks better and closer to vanilla.Fixed vanilla bug whereby FPS counter would be visible on the council stills at high FOV.

Many thanks to the users who helped point out missing textures and helped testing the new textures (cristi1990an, Dwailing, Hadrorex, InfinityBeing, Nukleon, Paragon, ScifiIsMyJam101, STEVE HARVEY). There's really little left to work on now.